Please note we can no longer accept FedEx returns
Shipping fees
Return during staffed hours FREE
Return 24/7 $3.50
Label printing fee $5/parcel
Border Info

Please note that the return service is only available at our Blaine location. The name on the return address must match the name on the account. It can not be "24/7 PARCEL". Parcels not meeting this requirement will not be shipped out.

You can now return 24/7, 365 days a year

If you return the parcels with prepaid shipping label during our staffed hours, it's free. If you want to return after-hours, you can request for a return locker via My Account. The return locker fee is $3.50 as described below.

If your return parcel has a prepaid return label from UPS or USPS, and is ready to go, submit an after-hours drop-off locker request by logging into your account at, and click "Request after-hours locker for return". You will have 48 hours to place your parcel in the locker after locker assignment.

After you are assigned a drop-off locker, please make sure that your parcel is well packaged with a prepaid shipping label before placing it in the locker. If it is not packaged or is missing prepaid shippping label, we will not be able to forward the return parcel to the carrier as we do not provide packaging or printing service. The return locker fee is non-refundable even if the locker is not used after 48 hours.

Please note that 24/7 PARCEL is not responsible for any missing or lost parcels for the return service. It is the customer's responsibility to track the parcels and contact the carriers for the status of return parcels.